Orthodontics In East Downtown Houston, TX

Homes of your local dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon.
– Houston, TX –

Briq Dental & Orthodontics is committed to delivering top-tier orthodontic care to enhance your smile and overall oral health. Our dedicated team combines expertise with cutting-edge technology, offering various orthodontic solutions that cater to your unique needs. We take pride in our patient-centered approach, ensuring that every step of your orthodontic journey is comfortable and effective. From innovative clear aligners to Invisalign, we have a solution for all orthodontic requirements.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond straightening teeth. We believe a beautiful, confident smile can transform lives. When you choose our orthodontist in East Downtown Houston, TX, you choose a pathway to a happier, healthier you.

Why Do You Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Here’s why you might need orthodontic treatment:

Correct Misalignments: Crooked teeth or misaligned jaws can lead to issues like speech difficulties, difficulty chewing, and even jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment can help realign your bite for improved function and comfort.

Enhance Aesthetics: A straight, confident smile can boost self-esteem. Orthodontics can correct cosmetic concerns, making you feel more self-assured in social and professional settings.

Prevent Dental Issues: Straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain. Orthodontic solutions can reduce the risk of dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and abnormal wear of tooth surfaces.

Overall Health Benefits: Properly aligned teeth and jaws improve overall health. It can help reduce the risk of sleep apnea and TMJ disorders, ensuring a healthier future.

At Briq Dental & Orthodontics, we offer personalized treatment plans to address your specific needs so you can enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile.

Orthodontic Services We Offer

We offer services that are tailored especially to your dental care needs:

Clear Aligners: Our clear aligners are a popular choice for those seeking discreet orthodontic treatment. They provide a nearly invisible way to straighten teeth and are easily removable for eating and cleaning.

InvisalignⓇ: The Invisalign system offers a revolutionary approach to orthodontic care. Using a series of clear, custom-made aligners, Invisalign gradually aligns your teeth, allowing for a comfortable and inconspicuous treatment experience.

Invisalign TeenⓇ: Designed specifically for adolescents, Invisalign Teen offers all the benefits of traditional Invisalign with added features such as compliance indicators to ensure treatment progress and eruption tabs for emerging teeth.

Our orthodontic services are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you achieve a straight, healthy, and beautiful smile. Visit our practice to meet a caring orthodontist in Houston, TX. 

FAQs On Orthodontics

  1. Can I still play musical instruments with clear aligners like Invisalign?

Yes, clear aligners won’t interfere with playing musical instruments since they’re removable and do not affect your mouth’s natural positioning.

  1. Are there specific foods I should avoid while using Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen allows for flexibility in your diet, but it’s recommended to remove the aligners before eating to prevent staining or damage.

  1. How do clear aligners affect speech or singing?

Clear aligners may temporarily impact speech or singing, but most people adjust quickly. The aligners’ thin, clear design helps minimize any interference.

  1. Are there unique benefits for athletes with Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen’s removable design is ideal for athletes, as it allows the use of a protective mouthguard during sports activities without any orthodontic obstructions.